He says, “Be still, and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10 (a) (NIV)
Jacob is my youngest nephew. He just turned three. He is a very happy boy who does not standstill. He is constantly on the move. He and his family live on a property where Jacob has all the space he needs to run around all day. He keeps his parents and older brother very active supervising (chasing after) him all the time.
Jacob needs supervision because even though he is more than able to walk, run, climb, and dance all over his property, he is young, and he can easily fall and hurt himself or wander outside his property and be in danger. Watching his mother chase after Jacob a few weeks ago, made me think how God must chase after some of us because just like my sweet Jacob, we do not know how to be still.
In the busy world, we live in; most of us live our lives multitasking every single moment of the day. We drink our coffee while driving, watch the news while we clean our homes, and with modern appliances, many of us cook while we are at work or while we sleep. With all the technology at our disposal, you would think our lives would be easier and simpler than the lives of our parents used to be, but that is not the case.
Most of us are watching our lives go by instead of living the abundant life Jesus came to give us. Some of us might be running around so much that we might be in danger of falling not like Jacob on a nice lawn but into temptation because we are so tired. Many people live such rushed lives that are missing the precious milestones of their children. Some are exhausted trying to provide for their children everything they did not have in their childhoods, but they are depriving their families of what they really want and need which is their presence.
Watching my sister-in-law chasing after her three-year-old convicted me. While it is adorable to see a mother chasing after her toddler, the last thing I want God to do is to chase after me trying to keep me safe or trying to spend time with me. Have you ever taken time from your busy schedule just to take a walk with God? When was the last time you spend a few minutes in silence just listening to God’s voice?
Maybe it is time to make room for God on our schedules. My friend, take the Psalmist’s advice and do your best to still your life. Do not talk to God only when you need Him. Make time to get to know the God you serve. Take time to watch your children or grandchildren grow. Enjoy your friends; good friends are few and rare. Do not take yours for granted. Be still…the one who created heaven and earth is not just God… He is your God. Be still long enough to enjoy Him and to enjoy the life He has given you.
(Jacob playing in his backyard)
