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Obedient Ravens


Updated: Jul 14, 2022

You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.

The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook.

1 Kings 17:4, 6 (NIV)

I like this story, the prophet Elijah commanded the heavens to close, and there was a drought in the land. To protect him, God told Elijah to hide. It is lovely to see how God takes care of His people. He knew that the prophet would not survive without food and water and arranged for Elijah to have special benefactors to provide for his needs. Elijah probably was surprised to see the ravens, but I am sure he was thankful for the bread and meat they brought him daily.

There have been seasons in my life where unexpected benefactors have blessed me. Seasons in which I have needed provision and God led wonderful people to bless me with the amount I needed at the time I needed it. I remember when a beautiful woman of God, Teresa sent me a check for the amount I needed to fix my car. Her gift surprised me. It was unexpected; she did not know how much money I needed, and I had never done much for her. However, this sister in Christ was obedient to God and blessed me. I praise God for all the people who have sown in my life, and I ask Him to multiply their seed one hundredfold.

Because God and his people are faithful, I am sure many of you have similar testimonies. I am sure that many like me have been in Elijah's shoes, being blessed by others. Meditating on the goodness of God, I asked Him what I could do to serve Him in my current season; a thought came to my mind. We are returning to almost everyday life. For many, this pandemic will only be the memory of a difficult time, but for others, it represents a time of severe loss.

I have no idea how those ravens managed to keep the prophet alive during a drought, but they did. They shared what they could, and I am sure that is how they survived. I believe that God provided for them because they were providing for Elijah.

People of God, one of these days, God may ask us to do what those birds did. We may have to share what we have to survive. Please do not get me wrong. I am not expecting gloom and doom. What I am saying is that perhaps a season is coming in which many of us might not be Elijah in the plan of God. Maybe it will be our turn to be the ravens.

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