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Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me.

Isaiah 46:9

My brother Carlos loves to reminisce, especially about our high school years. On the other hand, I have never been the type who likes to spend a lot of time dwelling on the past. It is not that my past was bad; God has always blessed me. I just prefer to concentrate on what I am doing now or what I will do next.

Recently though, the Holy Spirit spoke to me about the importance of remembering what God has done for me over the years. God knows that in difficult times, it does my soul good to look back and remember how God has delivered me from past hardships.

If illness challenges me or someone I love, I can remember how God healed my mother from cancer or my brother from epilepsy. If financial challenges come my way, all I have to do is look back at all the times God has provided for me and be at peace. When I experience loss, I can consider how God's love has covered my heart during my seasons of grief, and I am comforted.

That is why the Bible asks us to remember our past. When we do, it is easy to see that no one is like our God. If you are experiencing challenges right now, take some time to reflect on God's goodness. Remember how God has brought you out of difficult situations in the past, and see how the Holy Spirit uses those memories to bring you peace. If God did it in the past, he would do it again.

Maybe my brother understands something important. Perhaps he knows that our present challenges will soon become sweet memories of the power of God working on our behalf. Take some time this week to remember all that God has done for you. I am sure it will bless you.

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