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By Yanira Hiza

So that your faith, much more precious than gold, which, although perishable, is tested by fire, may be found to praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

1 Peter 1:7 (KJV 1960)

I remember that the first time I read this verse I wondered why the Bible says that the Lord is going to test my faith if He knows everything and knows if my faith is authentic or not. Months later the Lord answered my question and told me, “Daughter, your faith is tested because the one who ignores the type of faith, she has is you, not me". That day I understood that until we pass through the fire of the processes of God, we do not know how authentic our faith is.

It is not until we pass through the fire of trials, that we know the quality of our fruit, and we realize if we love God for His blessings or for who He is. When we pass through the fire we find out if the Word of God is rooted in our hearts or not. Because when the fire comes from God, its purpose is not to destroy us. Its purpose is to perfect us, affirm us, strengthen us, and establish us. The fire reveals the changes we need to make in our lives.

Many times, we ask God to get us out of the difficult situation in which we are, even without having learned the lesson that God wants to teach us in that situation. Sometimes our prayers go unanswered because God's goal is for us to know Jesus, our Lord and Savior better and to be more like Him. If He takes us out of the fire ahead of His time, the masterpiece God is doing in us would not be finished. Even knowing the purpose of the trials, many find it difficult to accept the process of submitting to the will of God.

This happens because they ignore that the processes of God have enemies, which are the flesh, the mind, and the devil. The flesh always resists being changed and transformed. The mind wants to understand the reason for the process and asks, why me? Why is all this happening to me right now, if I attend and serve in church, read the Bible, help the poor, etc.? In this battle of the mind, we forget that the processes are not punishments from God, but processes of purification and transformation so that character of Christ may be formed in us. Moreover, our enemy the devil comes with his entire arsenal to prevent us from taking steps of faith.

However, we are not helpless against these enemies. The Bible tells us that to overcome the enemies of God's processes we have to crucify the flesh, resist the devil, and take captive every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ. The attitude with which we face the heat of the fire in the process determines how God will work in our lives. Are you ready to face the enemies of God's process in your life?

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